Our Ferns
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Aotearoa’s unique flora is adorned with a great selection of ferns. These unique plants give a special presence to our environs. Their varied form & texture help soften & enhance many spaces.
Here is a great selection of popular native ferns. Check our catalogue for more species & details.

Crown Fern (Lomaria discolor)
Easily grown species. This fern's common name gives you some clue to its habit. It develops a "crown-like" formation of fronds on top of a small truck (caudex). Contrasting new and old fronds give it an interesting appearance. Crown fern is often seen in our bush in large colonies. Excellent for mass-plantings. Once established it will tolerate quite dry situations. Suits filtered light with good drainage.
Frond length = 50-100cm.

Hounds Tongue (Zealandia pust subsp pustulata)
Superb ground-cover fern. Has striking smooth green fronds giving gardens a tropical appearance. Its creeping rhizome will grow over anything. Very adaptable and can handle dry shade once established.
Frond length = 10-60cm.

Kiokio (Parablechnum novae-zelandiae)
One of the most commonly seen ferns all over NZ. Its large arching green fronds coupled with delicate pink and red hues of new growth, make this a stunning fern for many situations. Looks great on banks and with its short-creeping rhizome will fill a big space over time. Suits shaded or exposed situations.
Frond length = 30-120cm.

Kiwakiwa Star Fern (Cranfillia fluviatilis)
Decorative and beautiful species with a low spreading habit. Erect rhizome. Easily cultivated as long as a protected moist spot is found. Great ground cover suited to group plantings.
Filtered light. Hard.
Frond length = 20-50cm.

Little Hard-Fern (Austroblechnum penna-marina)
This accommodating fern will thrive in most places. It is found from coast to mountains, sun to shade. Its creeping rhizomes soon create a useful ground cover. With these hardy attributes and its bright rosy pink new growth, it can always find a place in the landscape.
Frond lenth - 5-30cm.

Makaka Fern (Adiantum aethiopicum)
A very adaptable and cold hardy little fern. Given a position to its liking, with dappled light and well-drained soil, it will soon form a large clump with its creeping rhizome. Particularly suitable for pots and hanging baskets. It tolerates a range of soils, but does best in a lighter soil.
Indoor or out.
Hardy. Frond length = 20-30cm.

Prickly Shield Fern (Polystichum vestitum)
This very hardy and adaptable ground fern is a feature in many parts of NZ. Forms a small trunk and is noted for its strong flush of new fronds in the spring. Will grown from shade to full sun. Likes plenty of humus added to soil.
Front length = 50-120cm.

Shining Spleenwort (Asplenium oblongifolium)
A regular and dramatic feature in our lowland native forest. A very adaptable fern that will grow under trees in a drier spot. Its beautiful fresh glossy fronds combined with its arching habit help make this fern a strong contender for your landscape.
Erect rhizome. Filtered light. Add humus to soil. Good in container. Hardy.
Frond length = 30-120cm.

Small Kiokio (Parablechnum procerum)
A good ground-cover fern, slowly spreading by rhizome to form a good patch over time. Often distinguished by its bronze-orange coloured fronds. Very adaptable to a wide range of situations from out in the open to a shady southern bank. Add plenty of organic matter to the soil. Does best under medium shade.
Frond length = 40-60cm.

Smooth Shield Fern (Lastreopsis glabella)
Easy and adaptable fern that deserves more common use. Has an erect rhizome which forms a beautiful clump of upright lacy fronds. Given a situation rich in humus and free from wind you will be well-rewarded with a fine specimen.
Frond length = 10-35cm.